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Chakar assembly Ordinary meeting

  • City community hall
    Chakar, Ishtixon tumani, Samarqand viloyati
    1st floor
  • 12:00 PM - 15:00 PM UTC
OpenStreetMap - Chakar, Ishtixon tumani, Samarqand viloyati

Número de aportaciones


Número de asistentes


Organizaciones asistentes

  • Chakar quarry cooperative

Food and beverages

We'll eat while discussing
Avatar: Encuentro oficial Encuentro oficial

City Assemblies bring together representatives from each Neighborhood Assembly. These representatives are not elected officials but rotating delegates chosen by their peers to convey the decisions of their neighborhood. They must return to their assembly for guidance on larger decisions, ensuring they remain accountable.

  • Frequency: City Assemblies meet monthly, with special sessions as needed.

  • Participation: Each neighborhood sends rotating delegates, but all citizens can attend and observe. The City Assemblies also broadcast meetings for greater transparency.

  • Agenda: Set based on proposals and issues brought up from the Neighborhood Assemblies. City-wide issues like transportation systems, healthcare, education, housing, and larger resource management are discussed.

  • Decision-Making: Proposals are deliberated on and refined using consensus, though if consensus cannot be reached, a supermajority vote (75%) is used.

  • Feedback Loop: Delegates bring decisions back to their neighborhoods for final ratification or adjustments.

Acta del encuentro

1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

The meeting commenced at 10:00 AM with an introduction of new attendees and a reminder of the assembly’s process and values. Facilitator [Name] emphasized the importance of collective decision-making and transparency.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes and Agenda

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved unanimously, along with today's meeting agenda.

3. Community Reports and Announcements

  • Worker Cooperatives Report: The Quarry Workers Cooperative gave updates on worker safety improvements and new sustainable practices in resource extraction.

  • Ecological Oversight Committee: Presented findings from a recent air quality assessment, noting significant improvements in emissions reduction since the start of the sustainable quarry operations initiative.

  • Resource Allocation Committee: Announced resource distribution plans for the next quarter, prioritizing food production and sustainable infrastructure projects.

4. Ongoing Projects Discussion

4.1. Sustainable Quarry Operations Initiative

  • Progress is moving ahead as planned with minimal delays.

  • The assembly approved the next phase of the project, including additional resources for further sustainability measures.

4.2. Community Land Restoration Project

  • The assembly discussed extending restoration efforts to new areas outside the quarry, prioritizing reforestation.

  • Decision: The assembly approved the expansion, with additional locations to be determined by the Ecological Oversight Committee.

5. New Proposals

5.1. Solar-Powered Transport for Quarry Resources

  • Proposal for a solar-powered rail system was discussed, with positive feedback from citizens. Concerns about initial costs were raised but deemed manageable.

  • Decision: A feasibility study will be conducted, with funds allocated accordingly.

5.2. Urban Community Garden Expansion

  • The community garden expansion received broad support. Several locations were suggested, and the need for more citizen engagement in food production was highlighted.

  • Decision: Approval granted for expansion, with specific sites to be finalized.

7. Regional Mobility Plan Discussion

  • The mobility plan for Chakar was discussed, focusing on integrating public transport and creating walkable infrastructure. Feedback emphasized accessibility for remote areas and prioritizing cycling infrastructure.

  • Decision: The assembly approved next steps for mobility planning, including a community survey to gather input on routes and services.

8. Open Floor: Citizen Suggestions and Concerns

  • A few citizens raised concerns about improving transparency in follow-up decisions and called for more frequent reports on project implementation.

  • Other suggestions included organizing workshops to educate the community about ongoing projects.

9. Closing Remarks and Next Steps

The facilitator summarized the key decisions and thanked everyone for their participation. The next meeting is scheduled for next month.


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Chakar assembly Ordinary meeting

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