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Annares: A fictionnal universe to showcase Decidim

Discover the world of Annares, which serves as an inspiring model for this platform, showcasing a fictional yet robust system of institutional and horizontal participatory governance. Annares is based on the principles presented in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed and imagines a self-governing, egalitarian society where all aspects of life—from decision-making to resource distribution—are organized through local, regional, and planetary assemblies and unions, supported by community-driven initiatives and cooperative organizations.

Why Annares?

Annares is an ideal example for illustrating the participatory platform’s functions because it exemplifies:

  1. Inclusive Governance: Decision-making through assemblies at every level, from neighborhood to planetary, ensuring each individual’s voice is heard.

  2. Worker Cooperatives: A cooperative economy where workers own and manage enterprises, making democratic decisions on work and resource management.

  3. Community Support: Community centers and citizen-led initiatives serve as hubs for cultural exchange, education, and social support, enriching local networks and promoting cohesion.

Through the fictional world of Annares, this platform aims to provide you with practical tools to organize assemblies, foster cooperation, and manage local and global initiatives with ease and transparency.

The Political Organization of Annares

Below is a simplified diagram of Annares’ political organization, illustrating the structure of governance and community-driven initiatives:

                PLANETARY ASSEMBLY
                  (Planet-Wide Decisions)
            │                                 │
  (Regions of Annares)            (Union of Worker Cooperatives)
            │                                 │
   ┌────────┴──────┐                  ┌───────┴─────┐
   │               │                  │             │
 (City Councils)   │      (Social Initiatives,      │
                   │      Community Centers,        │
 WORKER COOPERATIVES        Cultural Programs)
 (Local Enterprises)

Levels of Governance & Community Functions in Annares:

  • Planetary Assembly: The highest level of decision-making on Annares, the planetary assembly addresses planet-wide policies, ecological stewardship, and large-scale coordination across regions.

  • Regional Assemblies: Each region, such as the Nethera Mountains or Chakar City, has its own assembly, where representatives address region-specific needs, sustainable resource use, and local regulations.

  • Local Assemblies: These city or neighborhood councils are the foundation of direct democracy in Annares, where residents meet to discuss and vote on community projects, resource management, and social programs.

  • Worker Cooperatives: In Annares, workplaces are organized as cooperatives owned and managed by the workers themselves, ensuring fair work conditions, shared profits, and democratic operations.

  • Community Councils: These councils manage public spaces like community centers, organize cultural events, and run social programs, acting as pillars of community well-being and local support.

Annares represents a balanced, equitable society where every person’s participation is valued, and cooperation is key. As you explore this platform, you’ll find that each space and tool is designed to bring this vision of collective, sustainable governance into reality.


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