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Community centers - Meeting of local and global struggles

#annares Ecological Restoration, Resource Allocation, and Organizing for a Sustainable Present

01 Mar - 02 Mar @ Annares


Una conferència és un conjunt de trobades organitzades en un programa, amb un grup de persones convidades com a ponents, i altres camps d'informació típics dels grans congressos o esdeveniments socials (inscripció, llista d'organitzacions que secunden o patrocinen l'esdeveniment, etc.).

Exemples: Una conferència pot ser un esdeveniment rellevant per a una organització i els seus membres, o pot tenir lloc com a part d'un procés participatiu o després d'una consulta.


Welcome to the Annares Annual Conference, an international gathering of communities, cooperatives, and activists from across the planet, united by the shared goal of building a sustainable and just society. This year’s theme focuses on three critical issues shaping the future of Annares: Ecological Restoration, Equitable Resource Allocation, and Grassroots Organizing. In line with our commitment to mutual aid, direct democracy, and planetary well-being, this conference is a space for collective learning, collaborative problem-solving, and the creation of actionable plans.


The conference will take place across the planet's, in all cities and living places.


Featuring voices from across Annares, these panels will bring together ecological activists, cooperative organizers, and researchers to discuss the intersection of environmental justice and social equity. Panel topics include:

  • “Rewilding the Planet: Strategies for Large-Scale Ecological Renewal”

  • “Beyond Scarcity: Creating Systems of Abundance through Resource Sharing”

  • “From the Ground Up: How Local Communities Can Lead the Planetary Transition”


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.