Transitioning to Zero-Waste communities
Una iniciativa és una proposta que pot ser promoguda per qualsevol persona per iniciativa pròpia (independentment d'altres canals o espais de participació) a través de la recollida de signatures (digitals) per a l'organització per dur a terme una acció específica (modificar una regulació, iniciar un projecte, canvieu el nom d'un departament o un carrer, etc.).
Els promotors d'una iniciativa poden definir els seus objectius, recollir suport, debatre, divulgar-la i definir punts de trobada on es puguin recollir signatures dels assistents o debats oberts a altres participants.
Exemples: una iniciativa pot recollir signatures per convocar una consulta entre totes les persones d'una organització, crear o convocar una assemblea o iniciar un procés d'augment del pressupost per a un territori o àrea de l'organització. Durant el procés de recollida de signatures, més persones poden afegir a aquesta demanda i portar-lo endavant a l'organització.
Transitioning to Zero-Waste communities
I am proposing the initiation of a participatory process to collaboratively develop a roadmap for transitioning our region into a zero-waste community. With growing concerns about waste management and its ecological impact, it is crucial to bring together residents, cooperatives, and local assemblies to co-create practical and sustainable solutions.
Proposed Goals for the Process
Waste Audit & Education: Organize community-led audits to understand the sources and types of waste, and conduct workshops to educate residents on zero-waste practices.
Policy Framework Development: Engage participants in drafting policies to support waste reduction, recycling, and composting initiatives.
Support for Local Cooperatives: Collaborate with worker cooperatives to create circular economy opportunities, such as repair cafés and upcycling businesses.
Regional Infrastructure Improvements: Identify and implement infrastructure needs, including expanded composting facilities, local recycling hubs, and community swap programs.
Monitoring and Accountability: Develop a system to track progress and ensure accountability through regular updates and evaluations.
This participatory process will serve as a model for collective action and sustainability in our region. I believe it aligns with our values and will strengthen community cooperation.
Suggested Timeline:
Kickoff Meeting: March
Workshops and Discussions: Over 3 months
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