Open Data
Welcome to the Annares Commons Open Data page. Here, you will find data files that are regularly generated from various deliberative and governance processes within Annares Commons. These files are made available to promote transparency, accessibility, and collaboration. Below, you will find detailed information on what these files are, how to open and work with them, and a description of the content and structure of each file.
These files are datasets exported from Annares Commons's participatory processes, such as proposals, comments, and meetings. They provide raw, structured data that can be used for analysis, research, or integration with other tools. The data is updated automatically every 24 hours, ensuring that you have access to the most recent information.
These files are in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, which is a widely-used file format that can be opened and processed by a variety of software applications, including spreadsheet programs, text editors, and data analysis tools.
1. Download the files
Click on the links provided below to download the CSV files to your computer.2. Open the files
- Spreadsheet Applications: You can open CSV files using applications like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or LibreOffice Calc. Simply open the application, then select "Open" from the File menu, and choose the downloaded CSV file.
- Text Editors: CSV files can also be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text. This will display the raw data, with each line representing a row and each value separated by a comma.
- Data Analysis Tools: If you are familiar with data analysis tools like Python (with pandas), R, or SQL databases, you can import these CSV files directly for processing and analysis.
3. Working with the data
- Filtering and Sorting: In spreadsheet applications, you can filter and sort the data to focus on specific subsets of information.
- Analysis: Use the data to perform various analyses, such as counting the number of proposals, analyzing trends in comments, or evaluating participation in meetings.
- Visualization: You can create charts, graphs, and other visualizations to help interpret the data.
Below is a description of each dataset, including its schema (structure) and the type of information it contains:
- address: The address of the result (if any)
- children_count: The number of child results
- comments_count: The number of comments that this result has
- component: The component that the result belongs to
- created_at: The date when the result was created
- description: The description of the result
- end_date: The date when the result ends execution and it is finished
- id: The unique identifier of the result
- latitude: The latitude of the result in case it has a physical location
- longitude: The longitude of the result in case it has a physical location
- parent: The parent result (if any) of the result
- progress: The percentage of the execution of the result
- proposal_urls: The URLs of the proposals that are included in this result
- reference: The unique reference of the result
- start_date: The date when the result starts execution
- status: The current status of this result
- taxonomies: The taxonomies of the result
- title: The title of the result
- updated_at: The last date this result was updated
- url: The URL where this result can be found
- alignment: If this comment was a favour, against or neutral
- author: The name of the participant that made this comment
- body: The comment itself
- commentable_id: The unique id of the commentable
- commentable_type: The type of the commentable (if it was a result, a proposal, etc.)
- created_at: The date when this comment was created
- depth: The place where this comment is in the three of comments (if it is an answer or an answer of an answer)
- id: The id for this comment
- locale: The locale (language) that the participant had when leaving this comment
- root_commentable_url: The URL of the resource that ties to this comment
- author: The information of the author
- body: The body of the post
- comments_count: The number of comments this post has
- component: The component that the post belongs to
- created_at: The date this post was created
- endorsements_count: The number of endorsements this post has
- follows_count: The number of follows this post has
- id: The unique identifier of this post
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this post belongs to
- published_at: The date this post was published
- title: The title of the post
- updated_at: The last date this post was updated
- url: The URL for this post
- alignment: If this comment was a favour, against or neutral
- author: The name of the participant that made this comment
- body: The comment itself
- commentable_id: The unique id of the commentable
- commentable_type: The type of the commentable (if it was a result, a proposal, etc.)
- created_at: The date when this comment was created
- depth: The place where this comment is in the three of comments (if it is an answer or an answer of an answer)
- id: The id for this comment
- locale: The locale (language) that the participant had when leaving this comment
- root_commentable_url: The URL of the resource that ties to this comment
- address: The address of the project (if any)
- budget: Data regarding the budget (e.g. "2021 Budget") of the project
- budget_amount: The total amount of the budget for this project
- comments: The number of comments this project has received
- component: The component that the project belongs to
- confirmed_votes: The number of confirmed votes this project has received
- created_at: The date and time when the project was created
- description: The description of the project
- follows_count: The number of follows the project has
- id: The unique identifier of the project
- latitude: The latitude of the project in case it has a physical location
- longitude: The longitude of the project in case it has a physical location
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this project belongs to
- reference: The unique reference of the project
- related_proposal_titles: The titles of the related proposals
- related_proposal_urls: The URLs of the related proposals
- related_proposals: The related proposals to this project
- selected_at: The time at which the project was selected
- taxonomies: The taxonomies of the project
- title: The title of the project
- updated_at: The last date the project was updated
- url: The URL of the project
- author: The data for the author of this debate
- closed_at: The date when this debate was closed
- comments: The number of comments this debate has
- comments_enabled: Wether this debate has comments enabled or not
- component: The component that the debate belongs to
- conclusions: The conclusions of the debate if it was closed
- created_at: The date and time when the debate was created
- description: The debate description
- end_time: When this debate ends, if it is an open debate and has a limited time
- endorsements_count: The number of endorsements the debate has
- follows_count: The number of followers this debate has
- id: The unique identifier of the debate
- information_updates: The updates that the author has made to the debate
- instructions: Which are the instructions to comment in this debate
- last_comment_at: The date when this debate was commented by the last time
- last_comment_by: The data of last comment made within the debate
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this debate belongs to
- reference: The unique identifier of the resource in this platform
- start_time: When this debate starts, if it is an open debate and has a limited time
- taxonomies: The taxonomies of the project
- title: The debate title
- updated_at: The date of when the debate was last updated
- url: The URL where this debate can be found
- alignment: If this comment was a favour, against or neutral
- author: The name of the participant that made this comment
- body: The comment itself
- commentable_id: The unique id of the commentable
- commentable_type: The type of the commentable (if it was a result, a proposal, etc.)
- created_at: The date when this comment was created
- depth: The place where this comment is in the three of comments (if it is an answer or an answer of an answer)
- id: The id for this comment
- locale: The locale (language) that the participant had when leaving this comment
- root_commentable_url: The URL of the resource that ties to this comment
- address: The address of the meeting in case it is in person and has a physical location
- attachments: The number of attachments in this meeting
- attendees: The number of people attending this meeting
- attending_organizations: The organizations attending the meeting
- audio_url: Audio recording of the meeting
- author: The data for the author of this meeting
- available_slots: The number of slots available in a meeting
- closed_at: The date at which the meeting closed
- closing_report: Report of the closed meeting
- closing_visible: The visibilty of the meeting
- comments: The comments data of the meeting
- component: The component that the meeting belongs to
- contributions: The number of contributions in this meeting made by the atteendes
- created_at: The date at which the meeting was created
- customize_registration_email: The ability to allow a custom email at registration
- decidim_author_type: Author type of the meeting's author
- description: The description of the meeting
- end_time: The date and time that this meeting ends
- follows_count: The number of follows the meeting has
- id: The unique identifier of the meeting
- iframe_access_level: The iframe access level of the meeting
- iframe_embed_type: The type of iframe embeded in the meeting
- latitude: The latitude of the meeting
- location: The location of the meeting
- location_hints: A hint of the location in which the meeting is taking place
- longitude: The longitude of the meeting
- online_meeting_url: The URL of the online meeting
- organizations: The organizations attending this meeting
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this meeting belongs to
- private_meeting: To indicate whether the meeting is private or not
- published: When the meeting has been published
- reference: The unique identifier of the resource in this platform
- registration_form_enabled: Whether the registration form was enabled or not
- registration_terms: The terms agreed prior to meeting participation
- registration_type: The type of registration of the meeting
- registration_url: URL of the meeting registration
- registrations_enabled: Whether registrations were permitted
- related_proposals: The proposals related to this meeting
- related_results: The results related to this meeting
- reserved_slots: The number of reserved slots the meeting has
- start_time: The date and time that this meeting starts
- taxonomies: The taxonomies that this meeting belongs to
- title: The title of the meeting
- transparent: The visabilty of the meetng for non-members
- type_of_meeting: The meeting type
- updated_at: The time at which the meeting was last updated
- url: The URL of the meeting
- video_url: Video recording of the meeting
- withdrawn: Whether this meeting has been withdrawn
- withdrawn_at: When this meeting was withdrawn
- alignment: If this comment was a favour, against or neutral
- author: The name of the participant that made this comment
- body: The comment itself
- commentable_id: The unique id of the commentable
- commentable_type: The type of the commentable (if it was a result, a proposal, etc.)
- comments: The comments data of the meeting
- created_at: The date when this comment was created
- depth: The place where this comment is in the three of comments (if it is an answer or an answer of an answer)
- id: The id for this comment
- locale: The locale (language) that the participant had when leaving this comment
- root_commentable_url: The URL of the resource that ties to this comment
- body: The body of the page
- component: The component that the page belongs to
- created_at: The date this page was created
- id: The unique identifier of this page
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this page belongs to
- title: The page title
- updated_at: The last date this page was updated
- url: The URL for this page
- address: The address of the proposal in case the proposal has a physical location
- answer: The answer to the proposal in the case it has been answered
- answered_at: The date when this proposal was answered
- attachments: The number of attachments this proposal has
- author: The data for the author of this proposal
- body: The proposal body
- coauthorships_count: The number of co-authorships the proposal represents
- comments: The number of comments this proposal has
- component: The component that the proposal belongs to
- cost: The total cost of the proposal in question
- cost_report: A report of costs for the proposal
- created_at: The date the proposal was created
- created_in_meeting: Whether the proposal was created in a meeting
- endorsements: The number of endorsements ("likes") this proposal has
- execution_period: The period at which the proposal ran from beginning to end
- follows_count: The number of followers this proposal has
- id: The unique identifier for the proposal
- is_amend: Wheter this proposal is ammedning another proposal
- latitude: The latitude of the proposal in case it has a physical location
- longitude: The longitude of the proposal in case it has a physical location
- meeting_urls: The URLs of the meetings where this proposal was presented or discussed in
- original_proposal: The reference of the original proposal if this is an amendment
- participatory_space: To which space (e.g. Participatory Process, or Assembly) this proposal belongs to
- published_at: The date when this proposal was published
- reference: The unique identifier of the resource in this platform
- related_proposals: The proposals related to this proposal
- state: The status of this proposal (e.g. "Accepted")
- state_published_at: A time stamp of the state of the proposal when published
- taxonomies: The taxonomies that this proposal belongs to
- title: The proposal title
- updated_at: The date the proposal was last updated
- url: The URL where this proposal can be found
- votes: The number of votes this proposal has
- withdrawn: Wheter this proposal has been withdrawn
- withdrawn_at: When this proposal was withdrawn
- alignment: If this comment was a favour, against or neutral
- author: The name of the participant that made this comment
- body: The comment itself
- commentable_id: The unique id of the commentable
- commentable_type: The type of the commentable (if it was a result, a proposal, etc.)
- created_at: The date when this comment was created
- depth: The place where this comment is in the three of comments (if it is an answer or an answer of an answer)
- id: The id for this comment
- locale: The locale (language) that the participant had when leaving this comment
- root_commentable_url: The URL of the resource that ties to this comment
Participatory spaces
- announcement: The announcement (callout) information
- area: The area where the process is taking place
- created_at: The date this space was created
- description: A long description of the process
- developer_group: The developer group of the process. This is the organization that is promoting the process.
- end_date: The end date of the process
- follows_count: The number of users following this space
- hashtag: The process hashtag, used for Twitter/X
- id: The unique identifier of this process
- local_area: The local area of the process. This is the organization area where the process is taking place.
- meta_scope: The scope metadata of the process
- participatory_process_group: The group of the process, if there is any
- participatory_process_type: The type of the process
- participatory_scope: The participatory scope of the process
- participatory_structure: The participatory structure of the process. This is how the process is decided.
- promoted: Wheter the process is promoted or not
- published_at: The date this space was published
- reference: The unique reference of the space
- remote_hero_image_url: The URL of the process hero image
- scope: The scope of the process
- scopes_enabled: Whether the scopes are enabled or not
- short_description: A short description of the process
- slug: The process slug (used for identification purposes, for the URL)
- start_date: The start date of the process
- subtitle: The subtitle of the process
- target: The target of the process. This is who is called to participate in the process.
- title: The process title
- updated_at: The last date this space was updated
- url: The URL of the space
- announcement: The announcement (callout) information
- area: The area of the assembly
- assembly_type: The type of the assembly
- closing_date: The closing date of the assembly
- closing_date_reason: Why the assembly was closed
- composition: The composition of the assembly
- created_at: The date this space was created
- created_by: Who has created this assembly
- created_by_other: Other creator of the assembly
- creation_date: The date of creation of this assembly
- decidim_scope_id: The scope of the assembly
- description: A long description of the assembly
- developer_group: The developer group of the assembly
- duration: The duration of the assembly
- facebook_handler: Social media handler for Facebook
- follows_count: The number of users following this space
- github_handler: Social media handler for GitHub
- hashtag: The assembly hashtag, used for Twitter/X
- id: The unique identifier of this assembly
- included_at: The date when the assembly was included
- instagram_handler: Social media handler for Instagram
- internal_organisation: The internal organisation of this assembly
- is_transparent: Where the assembly is transparent or not
- local_area: The local area of the assembly
- meta_scope: The scope metadata of the assembly
- participatory_scope: The participatory scope of the assembly
- participatory_structure: The participatory structure of the assembly
- promoted: Wheter the assembly is promoted or not
- published_at: The date this space was published
- purpose_of_action: The purpose of action of the assembly
- reference: The unique reference of the space
- remote_banner_image_url: The URL of the assembly banner image
- remote_hero_image_url: The URL of the assembly hero image
- scope: The scope of the assembly
- scopes_enabled: Weather the scopes are enabled or not
- short_description: A short description of the assembly
- slug: The assembly slug (used for identification purposes, for the URL)
- special_features: Which special features this assembly has
- subtitle: The subtitle of the assembly
- target: The target of the assembly
- taxonomies: The taxonomies of the project
- title: The assembly title
- twitter_handler: Social media handler for Twitter
- updated_at: The last date this space was updated
- url: The URL of the space
- youtube_handler: Social media handler for YouTube
- created_at: The date this space was created
- decidim_scope_id: The scope of the conference
- description: A long description of the conference
- end_date: The date when this conference ends.
- follows_count: The number of users following this space
- hashtag: The conference hashtag, used for Twitter/X
- id: The unique identifier of this conference
- location: The conference location. Where this conference will take place.
- objectives: The objectives for this conference. What is the goal.
- promoted: Wheter the conference is promoted or not
- published_at: The date this space was published
- reference: The unique reference of the space
- remote_banner_image_url: The URL of the conference banner image
- remote_hero_image_url: The URL of the conference hero image
- scope: The scope of the conference
- scopes_enabled: Weather the scopes are enabled or not
- short_description: A short description of the conference
- slogan: The slogan for this conference
- slug: The conference slug (used for identification purposes, for the URL)
- start_date: The date when this conference starts.
- taxonomies: The taxonomies of the conference
- title: The conference title
- updated_at: The last date this space was updated
- url: The URL of the space
- answer: The answer that this initiative has received (if any)
- answer_url: The URL of the answer (if any)
- answered_at: The date of the answer (if any)
- area: The area of this initiative
- authors: The authors of this initiative
- comments_count: The number of comments that this initiative has
- created_at: The date this space was created
- description: The description of the initiative
- first_progress_notification_at: The date when the first progress notification was sent
- follows_count: The number of users following this space
- hashtag: The initiative hashtag, used for Twitter/X
- offline_votes: The number of signatures that this inititative received outside of this platform
- online_votes: The number of signatures that this initiative received online (directly through the platform)
- published_at: The date this space was published
- reference: The unique reference of the space
- scope: The scope of the initiative
- second_progress_notification_at: The date when the second progress notification was sent
- signature_end_date: The date when the signature collection period ends
- signature_start_date: The date when the signature collection period started
- signature_type: The type of signature collection (online or in-person)
- signatures: The number of signatures that this initiative has
- state: The state that this initiative has in this moment
- title: The title of the initiative
- type: The type of the initiative
- updated_at: The last date this space was updated
- url: The URL of the space
- about: The about field of the user
- block_reasons: The reason why the admin user blocked the user
- blocked_at: Date and time when the user has been blocked
- blocking_user: The name of the user that has performed the blocking
- details: The details of the reports
- reasons: A list of the reasons why the profile has been reported
- user_id: The unique ID of the reported user
- hidden_at: Date and time when the content has been hidden
- id: The unique identifier of the moderation
- report_count: The number of times it has been reported
- reportable_id: The unique id of the reportable
- reportable_type: Type of the reportable
- reported_content: The content that has been reported
- reported_url: The url of the reported resource
- reports: A list of reasons for which the resource has been reported
- about: The about text of the user
- avatar_url: The avatar of the user
- badge: The badge of the user
- deleted: Whether the user is deleted or not
- direct_messages_enabled: Whether the user allows direct messages
- groups: The id and name of the user group
- id: The unique identifier of the user
- name: The display name of user
- nickname: The username of the user
- profile_url: The profile url
- cumulative: The total number of the metric at this day
- day: The day this metric was created
- metric_type: The type of the metric
- quantity: The number of the metrics for this day
- children_count: The count of the children that this taxonomy has
- created_at: The date when this taxonomy was created
- filter_items_count: The number of items filters that are using this taxonomy
- filters_count: The number of filters that is using this taxonomy
- id: The unique identifier of this taxonomy
- is_root: True if this taxonomy do not have any parent
- name: The name of this taxonomy
- parent_id: The unique identifiers of this taxonomy parent (if any)
- part_of: Used to detect if this taxonomy is part of another taxonomy
- taxonomizations_count: The count of the resources that use this taxonomy
- updated_at: The date when this taxonomy was updated for the last time
- weight: The order in which this taxonomy is shown
This Annares Commons database is made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.
Download resources
- Download results in CSV format
- Download result_comments in CSV format
- Download posts in CSV format
- Download post_comments in CSV format
- Download projects in CSV format
- Download debates in CSV format
- Download debate_comments in CSV format
- Download meetings in CSV format
- Download meeting_comments in CSV format
- Download pages in CSV format
- Download proposals in CSV format
- Download proposal_comments in CSV format
Participatory spaces
- Download participatory_processes in CSV format
- Download assemblies in CSV format
- Download conferences in CSV format
- Download initiatives in CSV format