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Assemblies on Annares serve as essential platforms for democratic participation, enabling citizens to engage in the decision-making processes that shape their communities and the planet as a whole. Local assemblies are held regularly in each city, providing residents with the opportunity to discuss issues, propose initiatives, and vote on local matters, fostering community dialogue and ensuring transparency. At the planetary level, the Planetary Coordination Council convenes representatives from various cities to address broader challenges, coordinate resource allocation, and promote sustainable practices across Annares.

To get involved, attend your local assembly meetings, participate in discussions, and collaborate with fellow citizens to shape the future of Annares at both local and planetary levels.

Local Assemblies

#assemblies Have a voice in the future of the community and the planet

This space aims to regroup all the planet's assemblies. You can find them at the end of this page.

About this assembly

Each city, commune, and rural area on Annares is organized into a system of local assemblies. These assemblies function autonomously but are part of a planetary network of shared governance that balances local needs with planetary responsibilities.


Reference: ANNARES-ASSE-2024-10-1


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