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Internal regulation document

Internal Regulations of the Planetary Coordination Council
Article 1: Name and Purpose
1.1 Name

The name of this body shall be the Planetary Coordination Council (PCC).

1.2 Purpose

The PCC is established to facilitate cooperation among the various cities and regions of Annares, to ensure equitable resource allocation, promote sustainable practices, and enhance the quality of life for all its inhabitants, whether human, animal, or vegetal.

Article 2: Membership
2.1 Eligibility

- Membership is open to representatives from each city on Annares.
- Each city shall elect one representative to serve on the Council.

2.2 Term of Office

- Members shall serve a term of two years, with the option for re-election.
- Elections shall occur every two years in accordance with the established electoral process of each city.

2.3 Responsibilities
Article 5 - Coucil Membership

  • Members are expected to attend all Council meetings.

  • Members shall represent the interests of their respective cities and actively engage in discussions.

  • Members can resign at any time of their mandate.

Article 3: Meetings
3.1 Frequency

- The PCC shall meet quarterly and additionally as necessary.

3.2 Quorum

- A quorum shall be established with at least two-thirds of the members present.

3.3 Agenda

- The agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Chair and distributed at least one week in advance.

3.4 Minutes

- Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded and made available to all members within two weeks after the meeting.

Article 4: Decision-Making
4.1 Voting

- Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of members present.
- In the event of a tie, the Chair shall cast the deciding vote.

4.2 Proposals

- Any member may propose a motion. Proposals must be submitted in writing to the Chair at least one week prior to the meeting.

Article 5: Committees
5.1 Formation

- The PCC may establish committees as needed to address specific issues or tasks.

5.2 Membership

- Committee members may include both Council members and additional citizens with relevant expertise.

5.3 Reporting

- Committees shall report their findings and recommendations to the PCC at the next scheduled meeting.

Article 6: Amendments
6.1 Proposal for Amendments

- Any member may propose an amendment to these regulations.

6.2 Voting on Amendments

- Amendments shall be adopted if approved by a two-thirds majority of the members present.

Article 7: Code of Conduct
7.1 Expectations

- Members are expected to conduct themselves with integrity, respect, and professionalism.
- Open-mindedness and active listening are essential to productive discussions.

7.2 Conflicts of Interest

- Members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest prior to discussions or decisions that may affect their city.

Article 8: Ratification
8.1 Adoption

- These regulations shall be considered adopted upon approval by a two-thirds majority of the founding members of the Planetary Coordination Council.

8.2 Review

- These regulations shall be reviewed every two years to ensure they remain relevant and effective.


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