Program Program (Annares annual conference)
Equitable Resource Allocation
Worker Cooperatives and Ecological Justice: Empowering Communities to Control Their Future
Sedep farmers cooperativeSeden, Odense, Southern Denmark Region
11:00 AM - 13:00 PM UTC
Ecological Restoration
Rewilding the Wastelands: Strategies for Restoring Ecosystems on a Planetary Scale
Abbenay community centerAbbenahalli, Challakere, Chitradurga, Karnataka
15:00 PM - 20:00 PM UTC
Equitable Resource Allocation
Commons Not Commodities: How Cooperative Resource Management Can End Scarcity
Chakar quarryChakaria, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong
14:00 PM - 18:00 PM UTC
Grassroots Organizing
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