

Card LList

Quae reiciendis. Et.
Quae reiciendis. Et.

Card GGrid

Card SSearch

Blanditiis nulla quis enim consequatur.

Blanditiis nulla quis enim consequatur.


Each card will look like different regarding the properties of the resource displayed. You can override such behaviour in the specific cell.

Metadata items

Each resource define its own metadata items


Imagen para los medios: Sequi impedit dolores sunt ad.

Sequi impedit dolores sunt ad.

Minima aut incidunt.

Used by resources who allow to highlight

Image and Description

With images
Provident eum nobis. Voluptates ratione consequatur. Velit consectetur dolor. Quibusdam alias culpa. Placeat dolorem similique. Et eos ex. Distinctio temporibus culpa. Autem accusamus omnis. Temporibus aperiam officiis. Deleniti vel officiis. Voluptas non temporibus. Aspernatur eos et. Corporis aliquam sint. Eos ut et. Fuga eveniet cum. Error quis architecto. Sed alias est. Molestias at veniam. Culpa unde nesciunt. Fuga voluptatem pariatur.

Used by Blogs cards


Magni cupiditate.

Et eum doloribus. Iste est ipsa. Est alias ea.

Used by Debates cards

Use different template for the image block

Sed ratione.

Used by Meetings cards

Use the extra_data block

Explicabo et.

Used by Accountability projects cards. This card requires the module assets to display properly, i.e. append_stylesheet_pack_tag \"decidim_accountability\"

Used by Budget projects cards. This card requires the module assets to display properly, i.e. append_stylesheet_pack_tag \"decidim_budgets\"

Source Code

Generic cards

Card G
Dummy resource title

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/card_l

Card L
Dummy resource title

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/card_l

Card S
Dummy resource title

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/card_l


Result L
Workplace Mental Health Programs

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/accountability/result_l


Post L
Join Us for the Annares Annual Conference: A Celebration of Community and Cooperation!
Mark your calendars, Nethera Mountains residents! The Annares Annual Conference is just around the corner, and we’re excited to gather for this vibrant celebration of our shared values and collective efforts. Scheduled to take place in the heart of our community, this year’s conference promises to be a dynamic forum for dialogue, learning, and collaboration among residents from all regions of Annares.This year’s theme, “Building Bridges: Connecting Communities through Cooperation,” reflects our …

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/blogs/post_l

Post G

Join Us for the Annares Annual Conference: A Celebration of Community and Cooperation!

Mark your calendars, Nethera Mountains residents! The Annares Annual Conference is just around the corner, and we’re excited to gather for this vibrant celebration of our shared values and collective efforts. Scheduled to take place in the heart of our community, this year’s conference promises to b…

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/blogs/post_g

Post S

Join Us for the Annares Annual Conference: A Celebration of Community and Cooperation!

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/blogs/post_s


Project L
Tree Planting for Windbreaks

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/budgets/project_l

Project S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/budgets/project_s


Debate L
Expanding Solar Arrays in Chakar: Balancing Energy Needs with Biodiversity
Debate on the recent initiative to expand solar energy infrastructure in Chakar City. While the project promises to meet growing energy demands sustainably, concerns have been raised about its impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity. Th…

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/debates/debate_l

Debate S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/debates/debate_s


Meeting L
Participatory session of the Mobility Plan

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/meetings/meeting_l

Meeting S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/meetings/meeting_s


Proposal L

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/proposals/proposal_l

Proposal S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/proposals/proposal_s

Collaborative Draft L
Community Garden Transit Routes

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/proposals/collaborative_draft_l


Children sortition

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/sortitions/sortition_l


Assembly G
Media picture: Farmers cooperative general assembly

Farmers cooperative general assembly

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/assemblies/assembly_g

Assembly S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/assemblies/assembly_s


Conference G
Media picture: Community centers - Meeting of local and global struggles

Community centers - Meeting of local and global struggles

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/conferences/conference_g

Conference S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/conferences/conference_s


Media picture: Request for Emergency Assembly to Address Public Transport Overload in Abbenay

Request for Emergency Assembly to Address Public Transport Overload in Abbenay

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/initiatives/initiative_g


Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/initiatives/initiative_s

Participatory Processes

Participatory Process G
Media picture: Mobility Planning - Red Springs district

Mobility Planning - Red Springs district

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/participatory_processes/process_g

Participatory Process S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/participatory_processes/process_s

Participatory Process Group G

Participatory budgeting editions

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/participatory_processes/process_group_g

Participatory Process Group S

Source code on GitHub: decidim-core/app/cells/decidim/participatory_processes/process_group_s