
We provide a Base palette with few colors so simple customizations are easy. You can modify the Base palette either in the Administration area or in the Tailwind configuration file if you need more advanced customization.

When customizing your colors, have in mind the WCAG 2.1 AA compliant contrast ratio. You can check the contrast of your choosing with WebAIM Contrast Checker or other similar tools.


Value Tailwind name Usage
primaryMain nav component background\nNav menus in homepage and space home
secondaryMain color for links and buttons
tertiaryGraphic ornaments and accent color\nCards and list items hover state border


Value Tailwind name Hex code RGBA code Usage
success#28A745rgba(40,167,69,1)Success notice border\nAlert notice icon fill\nButton background on success message
warning#FFB703rgba(255,183,3,1)Warning notice border
alert#ED1C24rgba(237,28,36,1)Alert notice border\nAlert notice icon fill

Main Colors

Typography and texts

Value Tailwind name Hex code RGBA code Usage
black#020203rgba(2,2,3,1)Headings and section titles
gray-2#3E4C5Crgba(62,76,92,1)Inline text
white#FFFFFFrgba(255,255,255,1)Text over dark background
secondary#155ABFrgba(21,90,191,1)Links and buttons

Background and borders

Value Tailwind name Hex code RGBA code Usage
background#F3F4F7rgba(243,244,247,1)Aside background
background-4#E4EEFF99rgba(228,238,255,0.8)Selected sidebar filter background
gray#6B7280CCrgba(107,114,128,0.3)Default icon color
gray-3#E1E5EFrgba(225,229,239,1)Lines and separators
gray-4#242424rgba(36,36,36,1)Footer background
gray-5#F6F8FArgb(246,248,250,1)Admin layout background

Form elements

Value Tailwind name Hex code RGBA code Usage
background-2#FAFBFCrgba(250,251,252,1)Input elements default background
background-3#EFEFEFrgba(239,239,239,1))Input elements disabled state background